The translation of the OT provides the necessary background for understanding the NT in the Christian community / church, and also provides information about God's dealings with people from the time of the creation of the world until Christ, e.g. the origin of man and the created world, the beginning of sin and death, God's holiness and justice, His mercy to a wayward people. And in the Christian, church and home context, the OT provides much material for worship (e.g. Psalms) and Biblical teaching. Translation of the scriptures links up churches in different denominations to be united in one common goal.
2 potential MTTs (Mother Tongue Translators) said, “The Truth in Old Testament supersedes our culture.” Many pastors in the survey expressed high demand of Old Testament in their language that they can use at home, church services and discipleship.
In the picture, the Obo Manobo Old Testament is blank because it has not been translated yet. However, due to high demand we are in the process to make this happen for His glory.